Open Educational Resource (OER) in French

Open Source

Christopher Fuhrman


May 22, 2023

For the “Journée d’Innovation Pédagogique” of the ÉTS, I presented the work I did on creating an Open Education Resource (OER) for a course I teach.

Thanks to funding from the fabriqueREL, my university (ÉTS) was able to produce an Open Educational Resource (OER or Ressource Éducative Libre) for the manual of the course I teach called Analyse et conception de logiciels (Software analysis and design). It has been released under the Creative Commons license, and was created using Quarto (the next generation of R Markdown) software.

Here are a couple of presentations about the process and product:

Photo credit: “Lightbulb, Idea, Innovation” (CC0 Public Domain) by mohamed mahmoud hassan